Dry January Special 2022
Dry January 2023
So as we head into that time of year again, is it time for YOU to make that change?
Dry January is the challenge hosted by the fantastic charity that is Alcohol Change UK.
31 days alcohol-free, a break and a total reset for the body and mind with Alcohol Change UK. Sleep better and have more energy, improve your mental health and concentration, look fabulous and get brighter skin, save money and feel an amazing sense of achievement.
Find out more about how to take part HERE
Dry January is a starting point for many people, who then decide after January that they like that way of life and continue into sobriety.
Come and celebrate the ‘nearly end ‘ of Dry January with us on Sunday 22nd January at The London Alcohol-Free Comedy Club. ADV tickets are recommended , as we are set for a very busy afternoon.
At our shows it doesn’t matter to us if you are sober or not!
All that matters is that no alcohol will be served for the afternoon.
That’s it, no questions asked ! .Oh, and please , if you are joining us please respect others by not being under the influence on arrival. If you are , entry will be refused with no refund given.
Behave! :)